Friday, September 16, 2022


Said Untold


He never taught me anything…

But he the taught many ….



He never taught me to smile,

But always taught me not to cry.


He never taught me what is good in life,

But he always taught me what is bad in life.


He never taught me what not to see,

But he always taught me why what not to see.


He never taught me to be smart as clever ever,

But he taught me to live in best of simple.


He never taught me to rise in ever fall you have in life,

But he taught me how fall for ever rise has in very life


He never taught me to give up ever,

But he taught me to fight frontier.


He never taught me to love,

But always taught me to know hate.


He never taught me to forgive me ever,

But he taught me not to regret forever.


He never taught me to know the relation

But he always taught me to know conditions.


He never taught me to shred tears of life,

But always taught me to handle sheer of life.


He never taught me to be on success sky top,

But he taught too strong to be at bottom to rise tall.


He never taught me where to draw lines,

But he taught me what’s store between the lines.


He never taught me to live in for truth,

But he taught me to never live in for lies.


He never taught me to carry success in very high,

But he taught me how to digest failure and not cry.


He never taught me what to see or not,

But he taught me not to trust what is shown as seen.


He never taught me to defend all in for good,

But he taught me how good is bad to know.


He never taught me how to tackle the situations,

But he taught me learn to live in every situations.


He never taught me to expect or not in life,

But he taught me what to overlook in life.


He never taught me to be assertive positive only in life,

But he taught me never let negativity lead you in your life.


He never taught me how to swim in current in water,

But he taught me art to float and not get drown in reverse current of water.


He never taught me to be aware of life as live,

But he taught me to know death is only live in life.


He never taught me how to pluck happiness in garden of life,

But he taught not to sow or toil for weeds in soil of life.


He never taught me to wipe the weep of cry,

But he taught me not to be reason for any single cry or dry.


He never taught me to hold his or any hand,

But he taught why not to lose helping hand his or any band.


He never taught me to never be afraid to fly high in sky,

But he taught me never to forget have feet down upon ground when you fly up very high.


He never taught every journey of yours is mine too,

But he taught in every journey of mine is yours too.


He never taught me to befriend him as ever,

But he taught me to smile when he needs me as friend in favours.


He never taught me to advance for all the responsibility that comes over,

But he taught when once you lead the responsibility be there for those ever.


He never taught me to seek in every all hides,

But he taught me why always hides in are seek.


He never taught me what angels looks or look for,

But he taught evil or devils not looks or look for.




He never taught me how good and safe is to be in black or white,

But he taught me to learn what black white looks in plane as right.


He never taught me for steps to walk and not to fall for,

But he taught how to recollect every fall for steps to walk.


He never taught any word about sins,

But he taught every word that followed grace to win.


He never taught me to play any strings for instrument.

But he taught me not to be played as strings as instruments.



He never taught me to be very thoughtful or live sensibly,

But he taught me not to fall as clown in fool’s story.


He never taught me how loud to speak when deaf is only around,

But he taught me to sign silence as relive when sound blows loud



He never taught me to prove the worthiness of your in howls,

But he taught me how to create earnest to grave all the howls in down.


He never taught me how to speak!

But taught me what to speak.



He never taught me about emotions,

But he taught me to express feelings that I own.


He never taught me to grab every opportunity as prospect,

But he taught not every opportunity has to be vouched out as chance of break.


He never taught how to be or think “big”,

But he taught how small things makes way for “bigger” one.


He never taught me to be embarked part of “history” written,

But he taught to leave steps in sand as fossil and message for others marked to write “own history".


He never taught to be warrior and how to fight every battle in life,

But he taught warriors are not always to flag for every win life battle in.


He did not taught to “pick up the best to be one”,

But he taught to be “thought” where everyone pick and learn to lean on.


He did not taught to live in dark is always long dark end in life with no sun to shine morning over,

But he taught to live and embrace the dawn as bright rise of learned dark.S


He did not taught to “fish you have to be in midst of sea,

But he taught to sit at shore and see how big sea was!


He never taught me to care for what belonged to me,

But he did taught to care all whom I belong too.


He never taught how to be good as man,

But he taught not to be ugly as to be called bad as man.


He never taught me to endorse time as success factor,

But he taught not to endorse one time as winning sector.


He never taught me what is good upon ever bad,

But he taught not too overboard much to be called ugly do.


He did not taught to respect me as one from blue,

But he taught not to disrespect other from me too.


He never taught me family is everything,

But he did taught nothing more is more than family.


He never taught “there is no such things as being too early”,

But he taught there is thing that to be too late as being.


He did not taught to “treat everyone you meet with respect,

 But he taught not to disrespect the one of among you meet to treat.


He did not taught how to deal with challenges,

But he taught not to challenge as deal.


He never taught to born poor is to learn poor too,

But he taught it’s never poor to be born as poor to learn.


He never taught me to live life on your own rules and lead,

But he taught me to never rule out the leads to live.


He never taught what impact am going to make on world,

But he taught world makes every impact that I make.


He never taught me to get married to beautiful one,

But he taught not get married to all besides being only for one.


He never taught to hold placard for what you demand in life,

But he taught to hold the life and let it be play card as demand.



He never taught me that the world end up one day,

But he taught me that words do end the world as no day.


He never taught me about religion of world to be,

But he always taught how important to be religious with self and what to be.




His teaching was never understood,

But his non-teaching was never misunderstood.


He knew well to know good is not essential important,

But to learn badly was more indispensable essential.


He was always simple to smile,

But he was more complex to know as shy.


He walked in and out of my life,

So I learn out in my life.


He never taught me what life is,

But he always taught me death has life.


He never taught me the beginnings,

But always taught me every ending has new beginnings.




He never taught me importance of words to be,

But he always taught me to express silence of emotions has to be.


He never taught me to live for truth in lies,

But he did taught me not to trust truth of lies.

He never taught me to live for truth in lies,

But he did taught me not to trust truth of lies.


He never taught me “the life”,

But he taught me, “Me is life”.




How true he was, his teachings were endless word to be called.

What I learnt from him is to be.


He never taught how good you are, love you can, smile you can, fearless you are, and obedient you are mercy you have!


He taught me “you learn what not to be learnt, so you can understand the value of precious knowledge we have….”

Don’t learn and do’s you know is what he wanted me to learn and lived with it.



Inked by: dpen




He never taught me what I was capable to understand and do,

But he did taught me all the deeds which I would have not done without his understanding!

Said what he Untold









  1. Very well described your feelings and respect for your father. All words are from heart. Best wishes Dipen.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. "He never taught me...
    But he taught me.... "

    Interesting it is!
    He taught you the crucial things that has been helping you to push your life forward on the right track.
    He gave you big lessons of life.
    He really was intelligent man who knew what to teach his son.
    You are lucky to have such man.
    Ebisa D Jr.

  4. many things learned & unlearned

  5. Wonderful emotions Dipen...penned in your unique style...keep rocking!

  6. Wow superbly written dipen...loved to read the

  7. મારાં પરમ મિત્ર નાં વણ કહ્યા શબ્દો ઘણું કહી જાય છે.
    ખૂબ સરસ દીપેન. 😊👌


you inputs are always welcomed and recommendable ,feel free to flow your view, perception-positive or negative, and doubts or question -ask freely, your text will remain as key mark or mark-stone for others to understand clearly.your words and your emotions will be embarked forever.