Saturday, August 17, 2024




 Day starts with hopes ……”hopes” for better than last one, hopes for best to com, hopes to have best for tomorrow or best of tomorrow and forever…”hopes”… for better and secured life in coming days or times…more than that we possess “now” more than sufficient, in short we may say security for any incident or accident that might or might not take place in, and for that we reason, we “hope for the best, insures the promising provisions, of tomorrow, in life to be protected.

A powerful remainder, we try to insure tomorrow but nobody assures tomorrow that despite our best effort to plan and prepare the future is uncertain and unpredictable …, in short unsecured.

We plan, we strategically execute, and we define and redefine aims, goals, target, objective, intentions, or seen unseen purposes, missions and set for the direction to execute same. Entire exercise is for “TOMORROW IN TODAY”. We all want to secure unsecured tomorrows today. We all want our tomorrow to be delivered in safe and secured way “TOMORROW”. But in course we forget one clear thing, TOMORROW is TOMORROW and not at all “TODAY”…may be day after tomorrow but certainly that day is not today.

Tomorrow is being prepared “today”, constructed today, vision today but will be version they tomorrow, on the basis of hypothetical assumption and acceptance of series of event to happened or took place in past from that as “moment’. We induce our work to propagate for desired resultant in future, for unseen and untold moment!!

And there is no wrong in going for it, pursuing your “TOMORROW”, but keeping in mind that we are merely excavating the buried future, which has no exact traces   as a fossils of any burials or ruins of “tomorrow”, in today, the day we live here on it!! We are looking to extract the fortune future of tomorrow in today, we are hunting for unfold treasure …scavenger hunt of our tomorrow, in pith or “MYSTERIOUS” LIFE.

Life is indeed life a maze, where we know the entry and the exit point, as of our tomorrow, rest there are countless way to reach our “tomorrow”, but when that will be unfold in tomorrow as “TOMORROW “ and not TODAY as tomorrow. Remember our future, TOMORROW, is indeed priceless, valuable, and precious. To possess or to secure the future is indeed prized possession. And we should, too, dream our future, one to be painless, peaceful and priceless!! Good, great in fact, live it today what your tomorrow will be shaped up as the moment of that “TOMORROW TODAY”. But with one understanding that that “THE TOMORROW” in not TODAY at all!

To live future “TOMORROW”, we need learn to live in “TODAY in TODAY” and not in “TOMORROW TODAY”. The strong and resilient today we live, we feel, we breath will be the reflection in tomorrow as mirror image of what we think today as process of progressive perusals .What all we have in present in our hand, in our control, within our reach and in our life, is “today”, the day we are living, reading or thinking as moment of truth.

 Nobody can deny or snatch your “TODAY” as the moment, the moment you live, the moment you feel day and the experience day as moment today, just embrace it. Dream of prospective and better tomorrow in today, but before your “TOAY” get expired in a moment.

Recognise the uniqueness of “TODAY” over “TOMORROW”, so you can happily shape, sculpt or chisel your “TOMORROW” the way you want. Always remember all we can’t bargain or trade our “TODAY FOR TOMORROW”, as nobody vouches or knows tomorrow in real. Nobody as experienced it, all we have imagine, felt or envisioned “tomorrow”. It’s uncertain, unpredictable and erratic. To understand better tomorrow, we need to learn today radically, live in today rationally. So we can understand today for better tomorrow. Its progressive process of balancing the “fulcrum” between livings in today and shaping tomorrows.

Life is more than just preparing for tomorrow. It’s about experiencing and embracing today. The present moment has value and worth, should not be compromised or negotiated or neglected in pursuit of future goals ”TOMORROW” . What you have is only today, and what you don’t have is only tomorrow.

Just revaluate our priorities over preferences, and make space for living in present, rather than solely focusing for tomorrow. It’s an old saying with little improvised version, “what we sow today, we can reap richest of sow for tomorrow.”

Carpe diem

Seizing or embracing the invincible power of “TODAY”, by making most of today for brighter “TOMORROW”


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Saturday, July 27, 2024

WISH , Memories or moments?



Memories or Moments ?

Memories are good or say best shadows of moments which we want to preserve ,protect or carry forward in our life, but memories are also those grey shadows which haul’s as nightmares and hallucinates, which  we want to leave back from memories as dairy. We often write or register small events in many of forms like scrape book, diary, or even these days’ blogs are also been source to register ,record and narrations about events or action that we feel or see around us, May be we might be part or suggest another supplement to it.

We often travel back into our memories, as time machine, and wonder what those moments were…very special in way or another, try to get connected with moment of truth then in as moment of truth now. There is vast difference….difference of dynamics, which changed from time upon time. Memories are records or registered moments which we care to be part of our individual life as collection and compilations ,at same we try to make sure we collect, gather and assemble  as best of “moments collage”. Collage of events that took place and have made space and mark upon or brain as point to be remember….or say graffiti of various shades translated into expression outcome. Memories might have shades and space of vandalism, defacement or despoilment but then depends we accumulated them to be remember or short Memory(ies) is also attention seeking source point of those moment which took part in life time span and we mark them  as milestone to be remember in good or learning way.

In other words, we carve, sculpt or say chisel to shape the “moments “beautifully to last longer as an iconic pages or period to be mention in one’s entire life span .They definitely give us a simple reason to sit and think and rethink as a reconsiderations, what we did or what we could have done more better more healthier more better than best!

Memory or memories are not merely statement of “moments” from life time, but series of transitional changes that “we “took in our life from time to time, period to period ,phase to phase or say one journey to another in life. They do give us pleasure of those junctions from our life and with bitter taste of not having those notable moments in present. Sad but sarcastic truth they give us priceless picturesque moment, which we can’t afford to live in same moments ever again.

Memories are a simply like a story board, a lyrical song, a dance sequence which have vivid shades as a characters lived once upon time. It has some sweet moments, sometimes bitter or sour too! Every moment have individual story to say, every moments have different words, spoken or unspoken….Every moments have their transitional stories, linked or unlinked. They have cluster of acts or actions where one or more individual travels sin same space of timeline, may be spoken or lead life unspoken. It’s not always necessary to have sensible meaning, but they mean to every individual as memories.

It’s something like a river flowing from high to down low, from mountains to plateaus to plain and finally to delta, an estuary or bay maybe we call lagoon. A journey which travelled as pilgrimage  or passed from high to lows of life, from fresh to salt water , from clean to untidy ,from furious to calm and silent water ,in different phase with different moods as moments stores different stories which does not return or retain originals same story ever again but do signifies the story as origin. In same way the rain once poured cannot be reversed in the same way, but changes the process yet to leave many stories to be embarked as page mark which is called “MEMORY”. In short memories are those golden sips of nectar, which have experience of expression of emotions and which have casual and formal taste of different pollination gathered in one cup called grail-holy drink of life, as “memories” of the “moments”.

But as we all say nothing remains immortal, eternal, everlasting or ceaseless…… as in living journey what we call “life”. We forget everything gets fade, dull, perish, worn-out or say grey as moments as time, ages, goes on but memories stores , stocks or frames the true color of moment as memories as ever, which does not get faded or dull specially when good to be bad called ever. We sing –we cry , we shame-we shy and we live as we die too…..but what is being left behind forever as mark is only memories , memories and merely memories rest gets evaporated as a fumes of life into thin air. No words are remembered ever , no moments are forever are marked ,no time is same ever……nothing stays back or permanent ,yet only marks gets fossil of life is memories, we born , we life and we dies….we buy nothing in  life forever , yet we trade our presence as memories of our moments  as alive is memories. Memories is classic collection of our being travelled in life for our self and leave as legacy, if remarkable, for others. Beauty of ugly life is also called memories.

But unfortunately, lately, we have forgotten to live in moments but yet we invest entire span of life’s to build “moments for memories”. More often we all with change in world’s dynamic we live in memories of moments rather than in moments for memories. We have embarked new version of life style as recording memories, irrespectively, understanding about the moments are meant to be lived and memories are recorded transaction about it. The movements that we are supposed to be living, we are busy in investing them for future. The moments where we should enjoy the right very moments, we are investing them those moments in trade for future venturing memories!!

We forget that greatest moment of truth is present!! , which is “LIVE” to live and enjoy, to understand as present…to relish and appreciate as it.

Alas, we never knew the true value of MOMENTS until it becomes a “MEMORIES”. It might be for better or for the worse, but moments are underived till it becomes part of past or history!!We forget to be moments driven and indulged our self in perusing the treasure locked in mysterious “chest” for past …to enjoy, relish as payback from life in future!!But, we forget it has nothing to do in future except to enjoy the past moments as memories in future. Remember that any “treasure chest” are, too, buried in the dark ground to keep them safe from other hands and enjoy in future! Here we become mean, instead of keeping safe we should share and enjoy the very moment, because we aren’t sure about what’s store for us in general next moment. And, we should also remember, most of treasure chest are handled by other hands than by those one who gathered. Try to live present as we don’t know much of future.

We born, we live and we die, as any other living organism who has spanned life, in journey of life. We brought nothing but yet we bought something and we carry finally nothing in end but just leave some moments to be remembered from our life as legacy, which might too become faded in framed by dust of real life. We buy all the valuables but yet we can’t possess life time and what we possess of our own, very moment we lived in, we invest then entire for the future which we have never seen but dreamt off! How good is that to be called rational fair flair?

Today the world have changed dynamically as smart world!!Most of us carry cellular phone which are smart phones and carries unlimited memories of moments captured or recorded or even say registered in it. A small device hold our moments as treasure in dark points. We are immensely busy in recording our tract of ongoing life to restore them as the perfect moments and finally we realize that the time has slipped from our hand and we are just framed as memories!!

Recently , we see people are engrossed them self in either recording the moments or posing for the moments in their smart device and then post them on social media where thousand eyes reads, see and enjoys as moments without any feeling as factor. They do record the transitions of beautiful scenic which cannot be explain  in words as it reflect the moments of emotional and expression….which are very good to feel the zeal as zenith in real with original flair and glare as life and not to be merely captured as reel !! It’s great to feel and share but it’s just another kind of shame to merely share without feel the flair. We enjoy the hot black coffee with aroma fusing the mood in room from cup sitting by window and sipping it and not seeking a picturesque transitional records of setting a mug by window as frame and captured in device by stating what a day!!

Those memories refreshes the moments that we lived in as real and not those, too, thousand frames which we counted to be refreshes as memories!!It’s good to save the moments as memories but do not forget, requested, to understand and live moments as the “moments” from our life, which we have to live as moments and experience the moment of truth at that very point of time. Before recording the transition of moment as memories, live the very moment which helps you to understand true narration there off, those moments saved as memories!!

We hunt Treasure,

 life time for best of memories, 


 real treasure is in a very moments 

which makes your memories measurable wealth,

 valuable and precious, if stalked in best of way.



Monday, July 22, 2024





Often heard and read commonly as mature and sophisticated advice ,”LET THE TIME SPEAK” or “LET YOUR VICTORY SPEAK” or “LET YOUR LIFE SPEAK” or sometimes more wishful words or set of words as statement: like “don’t waste your energy on words to prove yourself, let the time speak”… “Sometimes we just need to be quite and let the time speak” or like “let us always guard the tongue: not that it always be silent but it should speak at proper time”……and many more seldom talks, gesture have been marked in our life upon us. They read very sensible as well impressive and thoughtful to be said or called mature vision.

We all grew up in the midst of such sayings, off course there are plenty of them which have been transited, transformed or translated from generations back as folktale or in form of folklore. Which are indeed very prominent impactful on our life till date.

What is TIME and what is philosophy behind the perception of TIME? What did the great philosopher PLATO say or what did the great Greek Philosopher had to say about time or what did another Greek Philosopher HERACTITUS remarked Time as? They all had valued time in their aspect so thus, the mad remarkable classification on time. They had their individual reservation upon the perception TIME, but the core bottom is time keep moving and we need to understand as well learn that at the soonest.

Time represents the “moment”-short period which takes or act every  another second is recorded as the moment of that particular time, as static…what has happened or presume what can be happened in as futuristic notions. Time is a period, era or epoch-point to time distinguish by any specific event or state of affair, which we want to mention regardless any static or dynamic situation. It does not only leaves the mark with value to be learnt, but a good source of life, speak up, learn up and lead up.

Since we cannot predict or forecast the very second moment come up as, we are reading these lines as we presume surely something will happen in future, so let the TIME speak.

Let the time speak….so I wanted to hear how does the TIME sound like…..and what it speaks…and what all THE TIME has spoken so far…with lots of mysterious quest raising a wave in my mind .So I set out to seek for it.

I sat in front of a clock with understanding to learn, understand and know of what TIME speaks, like every good and decent student. I started hearing and observing very close and carefully what does time speak. It might sound little childish little immature or infantile ….or on contrary we may say curious, enthusiasm or may be another child who has excitement outburst to know and learn something.

Well it took me time to settle down in the dark silence, where the things made life motionless for while…..maybe I hold soul of life…solitude!!! I could not hear only but could feel the trumpet beat on my heart loud….TICK-TICK-TICK loud and clear without missing and harmony signal space of rhythm….It dignified the situation with endless yet continual knots making sense beside rhythm of your breath with that of very time!!!

Initially it made me nervous…little agitated. Little edgy…or panic anxious. Yes you may call it excited but panic and anxious, because most of us are not habituated with solo solitude in our core and routine life

.But, gradually I started appreciating the silence…of solace! I realized for the first time the word “PEACE…SILENCE….OR SOLACE”, eternity of existence. I could feel the “resonance” of time ticking TICK-TICK-TICK in same amplitude of life as cycle. Time was speaking clear and loud and I could hear THE TIME speaking…speaking the spoken and unspoken words! “UNSPOKEN”?? Yes heard right phrase. I could hear, simultaneously the unsung sound of time….Every tick was backed and supported by the sound “tock” in wade and fade way. IN normal our brain sense and hears one sound tick, but is backed harmonically in lower pitch tock… Combine TICK-tock-TICK-tock travels together any journey of time in life. That was when I realize TIME speaks but we need to hear them or rather say, TIME spoke, all we need to learn that.

The moment I realized “I” heard was spoken moment and no more speaking mode! All I realized TIME do speak the action as recorded assignment of moment passed and does not repeat same action again. It does not stop its oscillation either but signifies spoken as well unspoken words of life. We do mean very much that every word spoken words in life, but, forget not UNSPOKEN words do have voice all we need to learn and translate well.

We need to learn to translate time spoken in signals, beat, pulses, impulses or very every moment of action, clear and loud before it gets fade with next TICK to tock and redefine and register new actions as TICK tock...TICK tock…TICK tock… . TIME registers all the spoken and unspoken words and at same time it states “TIME is running out”. It signifies, indicates, shows, alludes TIME always runs out and never going to come back and speak or state ever LOUD again. But TIME states the action has been spoken fair enough well in very past moment and embarked with low pitch elude of action took place.

Time never speaks but only states the action took place and reads it as signals very moment and we need to learn to listen, read clear and loud before it fades in echo leaving behind the fades and seek new as TICK-tock.



Time never speak, but registers the spoken words as past,

Try to learn and understand what is spoken before it fades and new words

THE TIME SPEAKs..TICK-tock, TICK-tock, and TICK-tock.




Friday, July 12, 2024

BLACKWHITE -"Time writes time no stories" .


Once upon a time....”We all have heard these lines once in our life time ,it might be bed time stories ,fairy tales  ,granny narrating the precious treasure hidden in deep sea of our hearts or any imaginations of perpetual incident from past  as relevant fact or irrelevant fact or  merely myth. Most of have grown hearing this line or piece of phrase, “once upon time”, and to be honest during childhood story with these lines line seemed something missing. It might be page from legends who contributed to our life, or cutie Cinderella or story of demon and Brave prince. And the beauty of this line or phrase is being used globally, internationally, irrespective of land boundaries or civilization, custom or culture. Any civilization that evolved on this planet is sure the most convectional story telling mode is same and must have same line but different folklore with different flavor.

Wondering why “once upon a time...?”Why....? Why......? Why.....?Have any one of you all ever though why so? I pity, not most of us might have even though on it forget about why so? , because, we think, it’s illogical and non-rational, irrelevant. But honestly, unfortunately, it’s sarcastically irony! It is logically, relevant and rational to think so, which unfortunately busy in our schedule and against our so called intelligent quotient level either we don’t think or we miss to think so! We all, being so called rational animal never think off, very common logic is meant to be for common men and women...of course we believe our self to be more than average above then common super men or women! Forget let’s not perceive the personal purview.

Any incident, accident or any event, do state “TIME” and only TIME when it happened, why it happened then, what for it happened and what was its outcome or net resultant. It might be epic, mythological, folklore, traditional, legendary, custom, belief, ritual, or any other reason, base is only and only time. Any incident real or myth, fiction or nonfiction, does have only one common aspect that took place or likely took place is “TIME.” We all represent time of our existence, time of being alive and time we lived here on! Today, we produce the real time value of our existence ,but tomorrow we will be , may be , excellent example of for coming time period and will be recreated(as remembrance) as story which would again be narrated as “ONCE UPON TIME....”

But, just imagine if there is no “TIME”....? Or in other words time has stopped, or exhausted from life. Just imagine if the factor” time” is just broken from life, just extinct or vanished....then? Then? Then? Question arises, then what? Then probably there won’t be story to be told, to be heard, to be narrated, to beloved, or to be learnt lesson from. The whole incident or accident without time factor to be register will be null and hence void to be transacted as transitional story, will not breathe the life to travel next generations or even timeline. Time is a password which does not only narrate the transitional value from point to another but conserves the whole episode as epic to read, write or learn upon it. Time is only factor stated as continuous, perpetual, unceasing, constant, non-stop, endless, etc.

In fact time do , only ,represent or narrate about our extinct or space to narrate fictions and non-fictions around us ,may be in term of folklore or simply fossil....but it does and only does “states the STATE  of time then”

Unfortunately, some of us are either doing not understand the factor time or we over understand the time. Most of ambitious confidently invest and reinvest the time and only few explores and exploit as limitless limited time as in time. The sarcastic fact of time is it never let you to run ahead of time for long(though it seems but trust me its most beautiful dangerous mirage) and it does neither let you run-back as leftover of its time, only if you live in time! We try to stock time for tomorrow-as borrowed one, but honestly unfortunately time does not get stocked, it’s only our stories remains as stock for others to read and learn...only life stories lived in time!

Today, we all are blessed with time-good or bad, rich or poor but least we do have time to be changed in right way. Irrespective of status ,do spare some time , do share some time or nothing much will be left over to write wrong or right ,tell or say about it.....fiction or nonfiction. Words only travel, if it ever lived in any dimension of time as dynamic.




Once upon time.......


Friday, July 5, 2024

“Stars shines in darkest night, but they smile in daylight of life”





Today we hardly have space in our daily routine life to spend and understand what sky is all about. When we all were being bred (Today world has change and most of parent what their desire to be adopted by their off springs and not let the life grow the way it has to be. Agree or not but fact as sarcastic truth  we just breed off springs or say engineer off spring into resultant and not raise as it has to be be ,off course under the shades of protection but not to engineer the way we desire.) As kids, we had curiosity (the urge, inquisitiveness to understand the reality as life up there as heavenly bodies) to see stars. Even today some have those expensive hobby or fantasy to possess telescope and see the magnificent stars up in magnanimous sky. We wonder upon celestial bodies and their presence in sky. What a magnificent outlook of heavenly bodies up in sky, which we denote as “celestial”. Still in some part of world, especially in villages, countryside or out skirt area of any  cities, people do have these privilege to enjoy this luscious view of life… does not hold life as beauty but it hold beauty of silence as life…..nothing much spoken loud but you can hear clearly loud “The silence of peace with humming sound of fire flies”……it does not create atmosphere but an aura of life as fragrance of love and peace……significantly it raises the say of peace in darkest phase with light of hope as friend and no fear as fly….if you can establish your soul for while you will fell warmth of some hand holding you and sing whole night ,despite being the darkest…..Darkest night-tough time in our life ….“Darkest night” as metaphor for hard or tough times.

Yes metaphor- “darkest night” to “though time of life”. When we feel time is as slang as a verdict of good time in our life. The time we feel insecure or Away from rest of world, the time when we feel being left out from the rest of world, the time….that’s what we assume to understand or say presume from rest of others life as darkest night of life. It’s weird to compare but it’s human psychology or say human behavior or human tendency to compare our status with others and feel insecure….with darkest night as night as life. We lose trust over self-containment or, we over trust with goons of life as parasite .They don’t only host over our minds and confidence but they synchronize with our system in fashion way they sucks our energies to feel relief in worst time is FEAR.

Fear is factor or losing control over situations and feel that cold dark nights as hauling darkest by hours to come in. We tend to give up ,give up our hope , give up our aspirations to the life, give up our confidence….we give up all our visions of life as sightless nights…..But the even darkest nights have burnt light as sky speak with twinkling lights of good hope in as star and fliers life fire fly. The wind do despair hauls in your ear but the do whisper not as hauling sound but sweet tinkles of hopes and says “worry not we are there beside you no matter how the bad situation have crossed”. We see stars always smiling and twinkling in the darkest night without any horizon complain about life being there us since ages in dark!!They do sign as to be merry.

They are neither complaining nor feeling bad for the situations that they been promised by nature to live still life long! They aunt static silent, they do move as life have sphere in world of you and me. They do talk…and talk clearly, loudly, applauds and do dance in the dark edge less nights for the years and year and years to go on!!They navigate the hidden happiness buried somewhere in the darkest blanket as night. They signal bright beam of life we can only manifest in the dark phase of as only edge of life

Stars are not only situated or located up there in the endless and edge less, seamless sky, but they do walk in dark hours of our life at every stage .They do not only companion during the situations that we hold in our life , but musters all the conditional and unconditional situations periodically. They collide in our very life with us with or without any excuse, surprisingly as meteorite. They are mentally strong and hard enough to convince and lead-guide us out of the situations with or without our concern. Accidentally, we meet and we feel protected. They come in your screen of life when you screeching for support, advice and guidance in your hell hit life.

Their presence and persistence might not be appealing but their responses are always remarkable in our routine life. It’s something like what we pray for and they fall from blues into our palms ,paws or fist accordingly our desire intensity , as  a fruit of our wishes ….just like those flaring shooting stars falling out of sky  and peer in our own very eyes…wish for our desire come true.

It’s said that if we make wish-with true heart, whenever we are fortunate to see shooting star in sky, wishes are being heard and translated as come true. Similarly, whenever we make wish in presence of those living star (though stranger), they propel our wishes and desires into the edge-less “SKY OF GOOD HOPES”.

Life in dark nights, when we start enjoying the club and band of such shooting stars, we forget for a while that we were scared of being in dark or our presences in dark street of life yet .In fact we enjoy the solace of life and move forward .They, shooting stars, might not be important part of our life but not less than important they are in our life……They make precisely discussion easy as well venerable!!The darkest phase of life becomes more undoubtedly, trouble free, undemanding uncomplicated and calm, peaceful and quiet. Though the situation might be on same pages of life, but reading them makes more sense in searchlights .It seems to be narration of fairy tale in life but realistic is always different.

The reality is that we don’t see stars in day light, we don’t experience shooting stars walking in our life when life is good bloomed in day light. We stop gazing up in sky for their presences now in our daily life in day lights. Or rather say we stop looking upon sky for stars as they are not seen up in day light sky.

Sarcastically “NO”, we change our priorities in day light to those in darkest hour of black night. We are blessed with many visible alternative option and visible support- which were there but handicapped in darkest hour. We tend to forget, as we maintain poise of short term memories, darkest situations episodes and live more upon visible life. New chapter, new story
and new day light planetoids!!

We don’t see stars any more in day light as “we feel” absence in our life. TRUTH, but, is we are unable to feel them and their presence any more in our glazing, blazing daylight life …where we feel welcomed by all visible heights of life! They are there indeed very much, but their presence visibility as context is shadowed by our priority of the daylights as manifesting moments .It’s not that we don’t forget those  panic episodes, moments  or situations but it’s just we don’t read , see or learn from those pages anymore!! All our vision, preferences and priority changes, make those star invisible but they are there grounded in dark nights still very moments on same plane…., may be holding different hand to show them the same path towards the dawn of crowning glory day light!!

In the day light, where sun (hopes) of life shines the glance of slightness, we lose the sight of stars which helped and held us in the darkest hours of life…and walked beside us twinkling the blinks of hope that things worst had happen.


“Stars shines in darkest night, but they smile in daylight of life”




Monday, July 1, 2024





“THINK”-presence of present

BLACKWWHITE- sarcastic truth of life


Whenever we use or practice the word “think”- it derivates either past or future, instantly. Whenever we “think”, it will be patterned as past or future, as though evolution. “Think” is an action with references which happened somewhere in past or which can happen in future. One is “dead timeline”, which has reference-subject of moments of truth then at that very point of time. While another is “unseen assumption time line”, which reveals or refers as only it can or cannot happen.

 Its human tendency to “dwell” on past as regret or happy moments, which now have been coined under past tense. It can be lived with, but you cannot live upon it rest of your life. Past have mix memories of good and unforgettable moments along with perfect blends bad and nightmare moments. But we all dwell more upon bad, painful and permanent sores!!...which does not only pain but preserves you to hold and stay back in past.

The more you try to overcome, more you get engaged in dead timelines. Where you can only think but cannot change any single minute from its record. Which does not speak any more but remains as fossils for ever. And worst part is that these fossils have, at a times, toxic fossil fuel as result.

And when we talk or refer to “think” about future…it has no rational relevance, which has more ideologically self-determined structure of life merely based upon imagination, self-prevailed   logical relevance, or you can also state as irrelevant yet illusion…which doesn’t only map its existence but also believed to live, sleep or exist upon future illuminated  illusions of life . It also signifies “HOPE” only, where one lives or exist there only for rest of their life.

Living with “hopes” is indeed aspiration mark. But living only chasing future on so called “hopes”, sometimes it marks as mirage in dunes of life. It states what one see’s, feels or their respective perception…..., “Perception”…opinionated the way over think or the impression perceived.

Past is indeed gone, with no life or validity left over. While, Future, there is indeed future but it’s based upon logically assumption, a projection and no guarantee, no validation as assurance of perceiving it. Its logic which is based what can happen and not “it happen only”.

We indulged, most of time, ourselves into the culture of curating illusion and impressions from dead time. We indulge most of our precious “energy” thinking either on past or perceiving for the future. Pondering upon past and future, time and consistently consume our precious energy for the instance which is either dead or assumption in our individual timeline, respective.

Our thoughts often wander between past regrets and future anxieties, neglecting the preciousness of present. We should embrace radiance of the present, and let go the burden of past and future and bask in the kaleidoscope of life’s colour, which dispersed colour of living life here and now.

All wonders can happen here in present which is only truth of life. “Presence of Present” is boon for that very moment. Re-frame our perspective and cherish the presence of present, before it becomes one more moment recorded in history.

 Hence, "Presence of Present", is a beacon of wisdom,urging to cherish and live in the here(present and now.This is to inspire to re-frame individual's perspective ,letting go of the past and future, and instead basking in the radiance of the present.





Wednesday, October 19, 2022

"Cheese of Dip"






I went right when I went wrong.

I went wrong when I was right write!!


Small world,

Small sight.

I always saw a day,

In dark of a night.

What we want is a CHEeSE ,

We dream opportunity is “Bread” speak.

What spook to speak nightmarish is “dip”,

But what we ask and serve is just “cheese of dip”.


I went right,

I went wrong.

I hunted for cheese,

The world taunted “NO” please.


When I woke from slangy sleep,

I was hungry to back my cheese.

Night was full of gross of dirty soar,

But dream feasted me “no cheese was sour”.


We dream a cheesy dreams,

We look routes reroutes the routes.

We forget the plate we cheese and bread,

We bargain routes of cheese dips with bread as flavor.


We reroute the routes as reboot of life,

We bargain cheese for dips as consolations in life.

We coin the “dips” as cheese we wanted in life’

But we sink deep deal of dip in lieu of cheese as life.


I thought I had enough of bread on plate,

But speaking of bread I had nothing to bake!

Before bread I looked here there far as fear bear,

But just found just gest of handful cheese dip near!



I went right, I went wrong.

I went wrong, I was right write!!



I was very happy to smelly dip as peppy,

But found over bread dip very petty.

I was served in pretty bowl my cheese as silk smooth dip,

Which I thought can hardly wet most of tips.


I said I asked for cheese and not a dip!’

I spread fast dip shredded hard over as sip.

I said but you taste different over a region,

But I spread fast to cover taste over region.



Dip we drain down for new trip of tip,

Dip we lean out as sink a soak for our thing.

We forget the route for which we sail far lane,

We find dark score for all we walk and not the cheese we haul.


Cheese or dip is what we all need,

We change as exchange all what we need.

We lose the grip over cheese or dip,

Or say we get confused between better or best.


We taste one over others,

We find other than “ours” to be better for corner.

We confuse the conscious as better as a pull,

But we get confused for getting better or best as cull.


Buy what cheese you want ever in life,

Over the dip of same cheese as surrogate piece.

One is hand full bowl with silky smooth lease,

But truth is we cheese as life what we look in dream.


Cheese is cheese hold before life spills the beans,

Dip is dip think twice before knife rolls knell.

Cheese is what you always want as dream,

Dip do taste pinch of cheese but pious not!!


We often get courage to muddled between two,

When twins are identical but not real one.

We get confused often when we see two,

Thy smelt same but taste……taste are never one.


To have cheese is choice of we want one,

To have dip over cheese is preference over choice.

Dip can be proxy as chef’s choice,

But “cheese of dip” is not same as “cheese” over choice.


Inked by: dpen


Dip is illuminated illusion of cheese